Kings Canyon was amazing. We stayed 2 nights and went for a 3 hour walk around the rim of the Canyon and took a picnic lunch. I felt like a Japanese tourist I took so many photos! The weather was mild and sunny (about 16C) and we all really enjoyed the day.
We left kings Canyon and took the short cut down the Ernest Giles Rd which is a dirt road which became a bit hairy as our sturdy, new 4 bike rack started bending more and more as we drove. Steve pulled over half way along to find the bike rack at a 45 degree angle with the road. The metal bike rack had bent under the weight. It had started bending even at Mildura. We took the bikes off and had to leave the bike rack on the side of the road and strap all the bikes to the top of the camper trailer with a spare piece of rope. We decided we needed to lighten the load by sending Steve and my bikes back home and we had quotes of $90 per bike to send them back in boxes. We spoke to a nice couple in the pub whilst having dinner that night and they offered to take our bikes home on their trailer and they were heading home the next day to Melb. They will hold onto them until we get home and then we'll collect them. We exchanged addresses and phone numbers and will hope that we are good judges of character and will get our bikes back. Now we have just the 3 boys bikes which we can strap to the trailer safely. The boys have been enjoying riding their bikes around the caravan park and as of today Benjamin can ride his bike without training wheels and with no help from us. He practiced up and down the little road in front of our camp site.
The weather is cold and rainy at present. It started raining on the night before leaving Kings Canyon and has rained on and off ever since. It's only about 14C in Alice today. We tried going to McDonalds to use the free internet but I couldn't get the laptop connected. When I asked the staff they said a lot of people have trouble getting the internet there. We'll try again in Darwin.
We are getting used to the travelling lifestyle and enjoying the adventure.
Sue, Steve and Boys.
Hey Reidy Gang! Great to see you are enjoying yourselves. These photos look AMAZING! Ivan and Luca will be very happy to photos of Benjamin and Jake. No doubt they will want to follow your blog and make some comments. Looking forward to seeing you at the next stop.