On Sunday 24th July we decided to feed some fish. Liam, Jake and Benjamin feeding the fish at Aquascene in Darwin. There were literally 100's of fish ranging from milk fish, mullet and cat fish. The milk fish were the largest at about 1.5 metres long. We feed them bread and must have gone through 50 loaves. As you can see we all loved it. It made it easier to know that none of the fish were apparently good eating.
Benjamin enjoying the feeding frenzy
Liam about to pat a fish
Jake and Benjamin must have fed the fish for over an hour
Jake and Liam patting the fish
Me about to feed a milk fish. By the way we all still have our 8 fingers and two thumbs in tact after the feed.
After the feeding of the fish we visited the Military Museum. Sue and I thought the boys might find this a bit of a drag, but we were pleasantly surprised, the boys loved the exhibits and learnt a lot about the 2nd world war and Darwins involvement.
Jake in control of a large truck
One of the huge guns used to defend Darwin against the Japanese.
After taking these photo's and having lunch in the shady gardens Sue and I were horrified to read on the brochures that it was asked that people do not touch or climb on the exhibits. Oopppppps
The next day Monday the 25th, we visited Berry Springs which was about 50 km's south of Darwin and just on the northern tip of Litchfield national park. We spent just under 4 hours hours there swimming. We all brought our snorkeling gear and saw heaps of fish in the springs. The water was beautiful and sue did not hesitate to jump in. We did have a bit of a scare early on. Whilst swimming in one of the three pools for about half an hour and as more people started joining us, a couple of German tourists came up to us and told us that they had seen a crocodile. The said it would have been about 1.5 metres long but were unsure if it was a fresh water or salt water one. Another person reckoned he spotted it swimming around and needless to say Sue and I told the boys to hop out. To play it safe we moved to another pool. I am happy to say no one was to have a close encounter with the croc whilst we were there during the day. Advice by the NT govt is that a fresh water croc will only cause you dramas if it is approached and has no where else to go. As Berry Springs was fresh water then it was most likely a freshy. If is was a saltwater croc that would have been a different scenario, it would have been like the jaws scene with people rushing out of the water in record time.
Today, Tuesday 26th we visited the western corner of Kakadu. We booked a cruise with some friends (the boys friends Lachlan and Annabelle and parents) to view crocs. The cruise is referred to as the jumping crocodiles. The boys were itching to see some crocs and they were not disappointed.
Prior to the cruise starting we each got a chance to hold a snake, an olive python. Liam Jake and I had a go whilst Benjamin was happy to touch it and Sue still shaking in the corner was taking the photo's and video footage.
We then jumped on a large boat and were treated to crocs being feed from the boat. As the crocs are feed it is enticed to leap out of the water which makes an impressive sight. As seen below.
By the way I have grown a beard since leaving Gol Gol on the 3rd July. At the moment it is driving me crazy at it is very itchy. I should say that I promised the boys that I would grow a beard during our trip. When I asked them if I should shave it off that all pleaded with me not too. We eventually negotiated that I will shave it off on Benjamins birthday (9.08.2011). It can't come quick enough.
After an hour of watching crocs, sea eagles and falcons being fed we headed back much to the disappointment of the boys. They had a ball and so did Sue and I.
Tomorrow is our last day left in Darwin until we head to Kakadu proper for 4 days. We have really enjoyed Darwin and would like to stay longer but we know that there are many more places to visit.
Love to all and will speak to you later
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